What do I want to eat?

This was the question that was on my mind almost 24/7. Then something fun happened that required I keep an eating journal. This blog was created to be a place to log my daily entries. I know, I know...why would anyone want to post an eating journal? Not to mention, who one earth would want to read an eating journal? I don't know - all I do know, is that I need to keep one to help me eat more responsibly.

The following was recorded on Tuesday April 22, 2008.
Last Friday night Stephen was on a campout with the Young Men so Sonnet and I were out and about together. We decided on a double feature – one movie @ the plaza and another @ Edwards. We had a little time between show times so we wandered around the shops @ Edwards. Russo’s Books looked good so we stopped in for a browse. The first book I picked up had us laughing out loud so we decided to get it. It is called Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. The authors are India Knight and Neris Thomas. The next two days we were mesmerized and took turns reading out to each other. The authors, India & Neris, became our new best friends and this diet adventure is a result of our time together with them through the printed word.

'How It All Began' is where I have posted the first two months journal. There after the most recent post will contain the most current week. I will say this, as I look back through it I realize what started out as just an accountability tool, has evolved into something much, much more meaningful for me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A very full two weeks

Wednesday November 5, 2008 Phase Two Day 198:
My 51st Birthday. The telephone aroused me out of a deep sleep. Sonnet was the first to call and wish me a happy birthday. The next voices I heard belonged to Jared and Anna singing a cheerful chorus of Happy Birthday. It was only Jami and I again walking this morning. Gaye was up working the election until 3:00, Rinez still has Ruthie and Shannon was sleeping in. After walking I had cereal then left for my hair appointment. From there I went straight to my massage appointment. It was heavenly. The phone rang during the massage and when I checked later, I saw it was from Sara. Being on baby watch, I called her right back. She was calling to wish me a happy B-day. Taunie called as I was getting dressed. On the way home, I stopped to get an estimate for car repairs where Kyle backed into my front bumper. Blake made his B-day call so I pulled over and talked awhile. By the time I got home it was noon and I needed to get to work. I stopped by Zorba’s to pick up a chicken salad and ate it at the office.

This afternoon I took down Halloween and put up Thanksgiving. I enjoy doing that. For dinner, I went to the Outback with the Walkie Talkies. We had a wonderful time. I ordered the Queensland salad. Rinez & Gaye both tried it as well. The waitress brought a hot fudge Sunday for my birthday and we all shared. The hot fudge was home made and very good. On the way home, we went to Dewar’s and I got peppermint ice cream with fudge and nuts. Yum. We talked to Taunie on the phone. Sonnet came by after Institute to walk but it was cold and she only had shorts. We decided to pass. It was a delightful birthday.

Thursday November 6, 2008 Phase Two Day 199:
Before I went to bed, I decided I was not going to go to my step class this morning. I slept in and loved it. I had a busy day, so I got up and dressed, ate cereal then headed out. Before I left however, I had a sliver of a cute little cupcake shaped cake Ann Pitts made me for my B-day so. It was sooooo good and I knew I was in trouble.

Mike needed me to pick up something for him to give to Jim for his B-day so I hit a few stored before I found what I was looking for. Also I needed to copy the Christmas program letter and get all the scripts ready to mail. At noon, I met Mom & Jim for lunch at Marie Calender’s. I had the Cabo San Lucas salad. After lunch, I went to the post office then into work. I was only there a short while before I came home. Home again I found myself heading to the cake. Oh Yea, I had some more. Sonnet called to say she had a thing at the Irish’s house this afternoon so we missed another weight lift class. Very poor week for exercise.

I really need to get busy on the blessing dress for Sara’s sister but I have just not been able to make myself do it. I decided to clean the whole back sewing area. It worked – with everything cleaned and moved out I feel like I can get started. It is funny how I like an orderly space. It is the same thing in the kitchen. I cannot work in a messy kitchen. So I began the dress and watched a new little DVD movie I picked up called Snow.

Stephen had an interview with President Russell and fixed himself a sandwich before hand. I popped a bag of popcorn and went back to my sewing.

Friday November 7, 2008 Phase Two Day 200:
Day 200!! I cannot believe I have followed this routine for 200 days. This morning we all walked then went out to IHop for Rinez’s b-day. It was a long breakfast with lots of talk and laughing. I ate a bacon, avocado the cheese omelet. I ate half of Gaye’s pancakes also. Then we ordered a coffee cake pancake with blueberries and cream to share. It was tasty. After breakfast I spent a few hours decorating the church for a wedding tomorrow. Finally home at 3:00, I had a bowl of cereal. Now Stephen is on his way home and we have decided to go out to Sizzler for date night. I think after dinner we will head back home and watch the new Hallmark movie Sonnet gave me for my B-day.

Saturday November 15, 2008 Phase Two Day 209:
Check out the date – check out the date! I have lost a week of my life! Actually, I have not lost it, I just neglected my journal for a week. So much has happened! Let me begin with last Saturday – I remember having a great day last Saturday. I worked around the house and enjoyed the luxury of a day at home. I sewed and finished the blessing dress. It is gorgeous. I amaze myself sometimes! I cannot remember what I ate but I think it was OK.

Sunday was normal. I ate cereal then went to choir practice. Stephen cam in half way through to say he just received a call from Sara saying Blake was taking her to the hospital. We make our excuses and left. What a tender day we had with the kids in Fresno. The baby finally came in the early morning hours on Monday.

It was a beautiful experience to witness and a memory we treasure.

As far as food goes, it was not so good. We ate in the hospital cafeteria. I remember pizza and ice cream. The Termeers brought candy and chips. Pretty bad. When we arrived back home early Monday morning I sent the birth email with pictures to my work friends and then went straight to bed and slept until noon. I did not meet my walking friends. Stephen met me at the plaza after work and together we shopped for the bridal shower on Thursday. We had a lovely time together. Where did we eat – oh, yea, we stopped in at the Red Robin in the plaza. I had a salad that was very good.

Tuesday was Veterans Day. There was no work for either Stephen or myself. We slept in which means I purposely missed step class. The Walkie Talkies planned to meet for lunch for Shannon’s B-day at 11:30. We ended up going to Marie Callenders. I had the Cabo San Lucas. It was yummy. I did have cornbread (bad) and then we all had a complementary piece of pie. German Chocolate – it was heavenly. I was very full and decided not to have much of anything the rest of the day, but of course there was a problem with that. First Sonnet called to say she had a conflict with weight class so I told her I was taking the holiday as an exercise holiday as well. Next, the East Hills ward was having a RS meeting that night. Gaye & Rinez had talked about it during lunch. In addition to a cute skit Gaye & Sonnet were in, they were serving homemade soup and rolls. It sounded like great fun and we teased about crashing it. It was just a joke and I had no real plans to attend. I was still very full from the big birthday lunch when evening came - then the phone rang. Rinez called to say she would pick me up if I wanted to go. I had mixed emotions. I knew I would enjoy the meeting, fellowship and food, but I was still full and not looking forward to the eating I knew I would not resist. The social side of me won out. Rinez picked me up and we did enjoy a delightful evening. The down side was that I ate excessively and was uncomfortable all night. It is amazing to me how I will make poor choices with full knowledge of unpleasant consequences! How adolescent is that! I cannot say another thing about teenagers that make sinful choices based on momentary lust or cravings – am I not doing the same thing when I over indulge with food for momentary pleasure?

Wednesday I walked with friends. I was so full from yesterday, I did not eat the next morning until I met my friends at work and we went out to a pre-arranged B-day lunch for Wanda & I. Let me tell you the B-day season this year is marathon. I had a delicious steak salad at the Sugar Mill. I was happy to find such a good salad at a restaurant so close to the office. It came with garlic toast – that was bad because I ate it. I could not even eat all of the salad because of starting out feeling full from the previous night. Half of it really filled me up. The funny thing about me is that I am a dessert girl. I can be full yet still like something sweet to top off a meal. We did not order dessert. Back at the work, I had a cinnamon roll in the break room and snacked on some candy from Julie’s office. See how loose I have gotten. I cannot say the last time I had any candy from the candy dishes around the office. My problem is that once I begin eating very caviler I escalate quickly past all reason.

Thankfully, I had an appointment at 1:30 with a housekeeper so I needed to get home. She was wonderful. We worked together from 1:30 until 6:00. I have all my windows and glass washed inside and out, I have the cabinets and appliances wiped down. I have the floors scrubbed, the trees cleaned. Everything is dusted and sparkling. It feels so good. Tomorrow is the Bridal Bunco shower for Karrie and I feel much better knowing I have a clean house. I stayed up late decorating and getting things ready for tomorrow. I don’t remember eating that night.

Thursday was Bridal Bunco. What a fun day.

Because of the heavy cleaning yesterday and all my puttering around the house decorating so late, I was tired and too pooped to get up for step class. Before I fell into bed, I told Stephen I was agonizing about not going. This was a dilemma because Jami said she went Tuesday and was surprised not to see me. I knew she would be expecting me tomorrow. I told Stephen I was not only physically tired but somewhat tired out with all the exercising I am doing for other people. I walk for me, I like to swim for me however I have committed to take my Mom swimming two mornings a week so now what was pop-in swimming when I wanted to, has become a routine for my Mom. I am actually happy to do this as I know it is good for her and I enjoy our time together however, it is a time commitment for me. Another thing is the weight lift classes Tuesday & Thursday afternoons. I go to the classes to support Sonnet. I would probably just attend one on our side of town early in the morning but, I go across town in the late afternoon to meet when Sonnet can attend. It defiantly cuts into my evenings. Then on Wednesday nights I have to stay up to go walking at 9:00 with Sonnet after Institute. The thought of having to be at step class for Jami was just too much. I have to feel like I can go when I want and not feel like I have to carry one more person. All these things are good and I enjoy them. It is just that I feel more scheduled than I want to be. But then again I think - what am I here for if not to be of help to others so just quit the complaining and be happy! Sorry, momentary pity party - OK, I am better now.

Stephen is much more level headed than I am. He is a man for one thing, which I appreciate at times like these. He can be very practical and just say, “For Pete’s sake, if you are tired don’t go.” I did not go. It felt great to sleep in a bit then get up refreshed for the big day ahead. I was pretty ready for the Shower but like anything, there are things that need to done last minute. I went into the office for a while then back home. I will say the evening was something special. The house was wedding wonderland from the flower and bows draped banister to the tool tied chairs surrounding china set tables. I know I am crazy but I so enjoy fashioning something lovely. As Rinez quoted Heidi Pheffer as saying, “It pleases me.” I share that sentiment. It pleases me to create an atmosphere of welcoming, beauty and enchantment. The shower began with friends arriving early to change into their dresses. With all of us milling around upstairs, primping, it felt like prom night. We were all ready when the doorbell rang. A hearty Surprise! shocked our little bride. We drew her in, dressed her up and began a fun filled evening. The dinner was catered from Los Hermonos, so you know I ate too much Mexican food. All of it bad but scrumptious. We ate, played Bunco, then settled in the living room for prizes, dessert and talk. What a magical evening.

Friday morning, after walking with friends, I took the leftovers to work. Most of the day I was in the office decorating her photo shower book. It was great fun to put everything together, especially at the office with everyone popping round to chat remembrances of the evening. The book turned out perfect. Driving home, I stopped in Rite-Aide and bought some ice cream to eat on the way home. Later I met with scouts then got ready for Adam Powers wedding reception. Here again I ate very poorly. Lots of M&M’s, cake and potato salad. The good news is today is Saturday. My schedule will slow down a bit. I only have two major things today giving me time to get myself together. I have been up since 6:00. It has felt good to catch up on this fit-day journal. The accountability is good for me. With a day to myself I plan to eat cereal. I know that sounds funny but I feel the need to purge. It is now almost 9:00 and I am going to have a bowl of cereal before my 9:30 appointment. Later today for lunch I will have cereal again. Tonight I have a rehearsal for the Christmas play at 5:00. I will have a salad before I go. A light day is what I need. Sonnet is coming over and we can talk about the coming week. I did much better that one week we looked ahead and made a plan for each upcoming event. I feel like I have grasped the handle on my diet again.

The day went as planned with one exception. I had another bowl of cereal for dinner. That makes three bowls of cereal today. Feels good.

Sunday November 16, 2008 Phase Two Day 210:
Got up when Stephen did @ 5:00. Lots of church work to do. Had a light & fit yogurt and left for choir. The choir sang beautifully today. Very nice. Church was wonderful. By the time I returned home at 2:00 I was hungry. I had cereal. I spent the afternoon making a small cake and some muffins for my Visiting Teachees. It is so fun to experiment with the pumpkin/cake mix thing. They turned out yummy – I know this because I had a small bit just to check. Then I made two big salads for Stephen & I. I knew he would not be home until after 4:00 but they would keep in the frig. When he finally got home, we ate dinner out by the pond. Stephen was asked to speak at stake standards night so I went out while he was gone. Had a nice visit with Susan Pritchett then stopped by the Sims with some extra muffins just for fun. I was home before 8:00 expecting Sonnet to come by for our Sunday evening stroll soon after her fireside. Cheyenne called and dropped by just before Sonnet arrived and we all had an enjoyable time. Idid not have any soup to offer Cheyenne (that’s what she usually craves at my house) but I did have some boiled eggs. She & Sonnet had some and I had a yogurt. Needless to say, we did not walk right away. After a lot of laughter, Cheyenne left and we walked. Now I am getting ready for bed. Two good days of controlled eating – good for me.

Monday November 17, 2008 Phase Two Day 211:
Out the door to walk with friends. Gobbled some quick cereal then was off to pick up my Mom for swimming. I am so glad that I am swimming. Sara called to say she and Blake were coming for a visit but she wasn’t sure when they would get away. How fun. I quickly got ready for work. Had many projects at work to wrap up so I would have time to spend with the kids. Went to the store on the way home and by the time the groceries were all put away I was hungry. I ate a granola bar but then started to feel funny. It was almost like I was getting sick with a bronchial infection – you know, kind of heavy in the chest. Coughing every few minutes. I thought, “Oh no, little Jacob is coming and I am sick!” I found some antibiotic in the cupboard and started popping them. I don’t know if I had anything or not but I thought better safe than sorry.

I put in a roast with all the trimmings and when they arrived, we had a delicious feast. Roast, potatoes, carrots, salad and mixed berries. I’ll be taking Jacob so the kids can have a good nights sleep.

Tuesday November 18, 2008 Phase Two Day 212:
No step class today. Oh, yea, I was up off and on all night. Jacob is a cute little thing, he is also the nosiest little baby I have ever heard. Not his crying – just his snorts, breathing and gurgles. He is so adorable to listen to except in the middle of the night. I kept hearing things and getting up to check. Sure enough, there he was just sleeping and snorting away. This morning I am tired but still going. I am sure I will crash later. I ate cereal then started in with chores. Blake slept in until about 8:20 when he had to get up and prepare to go back to Fresno for 3 classes. Sara stayed in bed until about 10:00 – heavenly. She said it was the best nights sleep in months. Good. I had a cantaloupe snack. We just visited and I did stuff around the house all morning. I had egg mix on crackers for lunch then went upstairs to take a nap.

Stephen woke me up for Enrichment. It was a potluck dinner so I took stew. I think everyone had the same idea because there were lots of soups and roast type dishes there. I had soup and a piece of bread and salad. I did make a trip to the dessert table and select a pumpkin cookie, a chocolate chip cookie with a dollop of ice cream on top. Now at home I am tired and feel a little punk. I should sleep while I can – it will probably be a long night as Jacob has been sleeping all evening.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Week 2008

Wednesday October 29, 2008 Phase Two Day 191:
What a fun day. It began walking with friends. Then I was home to eat cereal for breakfast and watch Andy Griffith. Then I was off to pick up my Mom for swimming. Today I told Shannon I would help Karissa with the Pre School. Those kids are so cute. We prearranged to walk the kids over here to look at the fishpond. They had so much fun. We went back and Karissa had them cook these darling pumpkin cookies on a stick, then we decorated them. I came home about 12:30. She insisted I take a pumpkin cookie. At home I ate it – don’t worry, it was not sicky sweet and mine did not have any frosting. Actually, it was very good. I took a few minutes and cut up the leftover roast and veggies up. I added broth, carrots and what ever else looked yummy and brought it all to a boil. One the menu tonight is stew.

For lunch, I fixed myself tuna and ate it with crackers, low fat cheese and pickles. I had a dry hot chocolate mix to top it off. Now I need to pop into the office before coming back home to meet with boy scouts…..Well, I went up to get ready for work but the bed looked so inviting. I thought, ‘If I can just rest for a minute”. Thirty minutes later I decided I would not go in. It is actually a good thing I stayed home because I checked the time for the Boys Scout appointment and it was an hour earlier than I thought. As it turned out thought, they stood me up. That’s OK. I worked on church stuff. Stephen came home and when it was time for dinner I did not even want soup. It was too warm for soup. I suggested we go to Denny’s on Morning Drive because time was getting short and we both had to be at the ball field for a stake YM/YW activity tonight. I ate the best grilled chicken salad. It was just what I was wanting.

I asked if I could make an announcement for the stake Christmas play at the activity. I was so pleased that 22 kids signed up. Now I am home and think I will have a hot chocolate. I cannot have a granola bar with it though. I was telling Sonnet how I have forgotten that awhile back I made a rule of thumb for myself regarding grains. I said I would not have a granola bar and crackers on the same day. What we have noticed about conveniently packaged grain products, i.e. granola bars, crackers, is that they are easy to grab and consequently added to the daily routine at the expense of fruits and veggies. We know grains are good for you so I am not including the healthy cereal I eat in the morning among the other grain choices. Besides, my cereal comes with milk, which is a good source of calcium for me. Hence, because I chose to have crackers with my tuna at lunch. Now if I want a snack, I should choose a fruit or veggie….I did not have anything after all, not even hot chocolate.

Thursday October 30, 2008 Phase Two Day 192:

Well, still no change in weight. No worries, it will happen. Up and out to step class this am. Came home to cereal and Andy. Lots of church work for the Christmas program this morning but now I really must get into work, especially since I did not make it in yesterday. For lunch I will take some soup and an apple. The question is, should I have crackers with my soup or save the grains for a granola bar later on? This is tough. I decided on the crackers. Lunch was very filling, especially the apple.

This afternoon I was on the run trying to get a letter out for the stake Christmas program. My boy scouts canceled (yes) which gave me an extra hour and a half before I needed to be across town to meet Sonnet for weight lift class. I did not eat dinner. Stephen had stew but I only had the last half of my yogurt before weight class then a bite of tuna mix before I zipped to the post office. On the way home from the post office I stopped at the store. It was nice to do big shopping and not just running in for a few things. At home I ate the rest of the tuna.

Friday October 31, 2008 Phase Two Day 193:
Halloween! Tonight Stephen & I have a temple sealing assignment. I will pick him up around 2:30 and we will head down. Do you know what this means? Custard at the temple cafeteria!!! Yea – what ever they are serving we will positively have custard for dessert.

So, my day started off at the church with friends. It was raining when I woke up. The Walkie Talkies have an agreement that if it is raining we will not show up to walk. By the time it was time to leave it had stopped so I decided to go. Rinez was the only one there and she was helping Doug with breakfast for his seminary class. I stayed and helped. At home, I made a cake for the office potluck today. Of course, while it was cooking I ate cereal and watched Andy. The potluck was a potato bar. The potatoes were not done on time so I started with dessert. Don’t worry, just a small piece of my cake to make sure it was OK. I did however, have some pumpkin cookies Alice brought. They were good. I had a potato with onions and spray butter. We arrived at the temple too early for a hot dinner so I had a delicious salad from the salad bar and custard. We were able to get in a session and some sealings before our scheduled sealing time. In fact, we had just enough time to run back down to the cafeteria and gobble another custard before our 7:00 appointment. I was hungry when we got home and had a granola bar.

Saturday November 1, 2008 Phase Two Day 194:
What a wonderful day. Actually slept in until 7:00. Stephen & I had cereal out by the pond. It is a mild, rainy morning. We are due to meet stake members at 8:00 for Prop 8. Sonnet met us there and together we took two packets and began covering neighborhoods with ‘Remember to Vote, Yes on 8” door hangers. We finally got back home around 1:30. I heated up the stew and we all had a warm bowl. I had hot chocolate as well.

My computer desk had two tall stacks of papers to organize, bills to pay and things to file that had been sorely neglected for weeks, so I spent a few hours catching up. For dinner, I fixed a wonderful salad with, carrots, boiled egg, red onion, avocado and grilled steak. It was a hearty salad that left us completely satisfied. We enjoyed mixed berries on the side. Later that evening Stephen & I attended the baptism of a delightful new family. On the way home we stopped at the store. Saturday night at Albertsons is always a social outing because invariably we see friends. This night we saw Shannon Rock, the Pitts and Sonnet. Back at home, I made a big batch of boiled egg mix. I told Steph we still have leftover stew and I did not want to make another roast tomorrow if we still had leftovers. We decided to finish the stew and have boiled eggs salad sandwiches. Egg sandwiches are a favorite. One good thing about the change is that tomorrow is fast Sunday and at least I won’t have to be in a house that smells delicious all afternoon while I am fasting.

Sunday November 2, 2008 Phase Two Day 195:
Today is fast Sunday and we have chosen to fast with the purpose of asking heavens aid in the passing of Prop 8 here in California. So much has been said and done regarding this important issue. Little of which has been mentioned in this record, but suffice it to say, hours of phone work, legwork as well as many prayers have been offered in Prop 8 efforts. When it was time to break our fast Stephen & I ate stew, eggs sandwiches (I ate the egg mix with my crackers) and mixed fruit for dinner. I had a hot chocolate for dessert. I had lots of church work in the afternoon and stake Christmas play auditions at 6:00. By the time I got home at 9:00 I was hungry and reached for half an egg sandwich.

Monday November 3, 2008 Phase Two Day 196:
This morning I walked with friends then picked up Mom for swimming. I ate some cereal then was off to work. For lunch I took egg mix and had a sandwich, some yogurt and a piece of the cake I made for the office potluck last Friday. Well, something snapped in me because it just kept going from there. Even though I had an apple and some carrots in my lunch bag I reached for another piece of cake. That wouldn’t have been terrible but when I got home an hour later I kept going. I took from the freezer the peppermint ice cream Gaye made at movie day two weeks ago. It tasted wonderful especially with the chocolate syrup I poured on top. When I went to put the dish away I reached for a banana – why??? I don’t know. Then just because It was there I had two pieces of peanut butter toast! What a maniac! Isn’t that crazy!!! Oh well, what’s done is done. I will be fine as I eat a salad for dinner.

Tuesday November 4, 2008 Phase Two Day 197:

What a day in history! Today is Election Day 2008 and one way or another we will make election history with either a black president or a female vice president. Those things don’t really matter much to me as I am more concerned with the candidates character and ideology rather than their birth packaging. But, on the other hand, these historic changes do influence our nations future and anything that opens doors to all of our children’s potential is a good thing. Also, it is the due date for Sara & Blake. So far no movement to speak. Maybe tomorrow on my birthday J

So, I was up and out to step class then home for weigh in – yea – I am down 2 more pounds. Sonnet down another pound. I ate cereal and dashed off to the overpass to hold Yes on Prop 8 signs got an hour. When I got home, I needed to get flowers in the ground so I gardened for a couple hours. I knew I would be working the election polls later so I cleaned up, ate and egg sandwich & yogurt then reported to Stephanie’s house.

I had a cereal snack between poll work assignments. No afternoon weight lift class because of poll work. Salad for dinner.