What do I want to eat?

This was the question that was on my mind almost 24/7. Then something fun happened that required I keep an eating journal. This blog was created to be a place to log my daily entries. I know, I know...why would anyone want to post an eating journal? Not to mention, who one earth would want to read an eating journal? I don't know - all I do know, is that I need to keep one to help me eat more responsibly.

The following was recorded on Tuesday April 22, 2008.
Last Friday night Stephen was on a campout with the Young Men so Sonnet and I were out and about together. We decided on a double feature – one movie @ the plaza and another @ Edwards. We had a little time between show times so we wandered around the shops @ Edwards. Russo’s Books looked good so we stopped in for a browse. The first book I picked up had us laughing out loud so we decided to get it. It is called Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. The authors are India Knight and Neris Thomas. The next two days we were mesmerized and took turns reading out to each other. The authors, India & Neris, became our new best friends and this diet adventure is a result of our time together with them through the printed word.

'How It All Began' is where I have posted the first two months journal. There after the most recent post will contain the most current week. I will say this, as I look back through it I realize what started out as just an accountability tool, has evolved into something much, much more meaningful for me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Beginnings

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Phase Two day 351
Hello from Baltimore! I am here at Tiffany’s to help when her baby comes. Right now I am at the park with Jared & Anna. I decided to write some thoughts. Thinking of Pigs to Twigs, I have not posted regularly lately. No real excuse except for busy schedules, work and plane trips. Seems I have not sat myself down at the computer for some time. Sonnet and I cannot believe we are coming up on our year mark. What an accomplishment. I do not have to tell you that my eating has been sporadic at best, BUT I have not totally discarded the plan all year. Even though I often chose to abandon wise eating practices for a day or week; I can confess I did not say, “Forget it all together”. Healthy eating, like any true principle, is always nice to come home to. When I started this thing last year, I was bouncing up and down between 170 and 175. I thought, “I know I will always vacillate so why not dance around 150 instead of 170?” And so I have. I feel pleased with that.

As I have slacked off detailed entries, I can definitely see the lack of recording has hurt my progress though. I have been in a downward spiral because I have had no accountability. Here at Tiff’s I will try and make an improvement. She has a laptop and I find I like it. I can type wherever I want – on the couch, on the bed or anywhere.

No time like the present to being again…now let’s see, what did I have today? Oh yea, early I had mixed berries with cool-whip and then later I ate cereal. It was a big bowl but I had it with fat free milk. For lunch I had a tuna sandwich and the crusts from Anna’s peanut butter and honey sandwich. (I will say that I bought good wheat bread as well as my healthy cereal) Then I finished off the fruit and cool-whip. I ran to the store and because I had been thinking about this journal decided to pass up on a candy bar at the checkout.

At this point let me interject a somewhat abstract but related side note. I forgot to mention that my arthritic knee has been killing me for the past couple weeks. I have been wearing my brace and a few days ago I decided to cut out chocolate. Now do not misunderstand – I do not think chocolate is some terrible element or a forbidden food. Neither am I professing that it aggravates arthritis. It is just that I have noticed over the years that when I consume too much chocolate I have low grade, in the background headaches, and in general do not feel as well. So, noticing those symptoms and realizing I have pretty much saturated my system with chocolate over the past two months, I decided to cut it out of my diet. I have not had chocolate since last Friday. No more headaches. When I started hurting I began considering all the things that might help me feel better.

Now to continue; for dinner I ate a soft taco and two hard shelled tacos. I cooked ground turkey and it was surprisingly good. Of course it was all spiced up but hey, it is a good alternative to beef. On them was lettuce, tomato, avocado and a little cheese. I was pleased to find low fat shells. With the tacos I served watermelon. Later that evening I cooked up a batch of tapioca pudding. I had a bowl. Let me just tell you what I did not have – in addition to the checkout candy or ice cream in the freezer, I passed up on the Mint Milano cookies Tiff bought especially for me. Only my favorite cookie next to chocolate mint Girl Scout cookies. So there you have it, my daily intake.

I know this month will be rough because I cannot exercise much here in Baltimore as I will have my days filled with grand kids. Also my knee is a mess, but I will try and eat reasonably.