What do I want to eat?

This was the question that was on my mind almost 24/7. Then something fun happened that required I keep an eating journal. This blog was created to be a place to log my daily entries. I know, I know...why would anyone want to post an eating journal? Not to mention, who one earth would want to read an eating journal? I don't know - all I do know, is that I need to keep one to help me eat more responsibly.

The following was recorded on Tuesday April 22, 2008.
Last Friday night Stephen was on a campout with the Young Men so Sonnet and I were out and about together. We decided on a double feature – one movie @ the plaza and another @ Edwards. We had a little time between show times so we wandered around the shops @ Edwards. Russo’s Books looked good so we stopped in for a browse. The first book I picked up had us laughing out loud so we decided to get it. It is called Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. The authors are India Knight and Neris Thomas. The next two days we were mesmerized and took turns reading out to each other. The authors, India & Neris, became our new best friends and this diet adventure is a result of our time together with them through the printed word.

'How It All Began' is where I have posted the first two months journal. There after the most recent post will contain the most current week. I will say this, as I look back through it I realize what started out as just an accountability tool, has evolved into something much, much more meaningful for me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tis A Puzzlement

Monday March 23, 2009 Phase Two Day 336
The last thing I wrote in my last entry was, “slow and steady wins the race’. Very true. The opposite is equally true, not so slow and very unsteady doesn’t win anything. I have a feeling that is what tomorrows weigh in will prove for me. I have not written this week for a couple of reasons. First and foremost is the simple fact I do not want to record the amount of food I have been eating. I thought at one point, ‘Am I going to start my period soon?’ I know I how I get when I start – very hungry. Maybe hungry is not the right word…..very munchie. I seemed to want to eat all the time last week and I willingly gave in to my urges. It is interesting to me that my friends say recording their eating curtails what they eat to some extent. Perhaps it is finally having that affect on me except I do not curtail what I eat I simple curtail what I write and continue to eat all I want. What is it the King of Siam says, “Tis a Puzzlement!” (thanks Rinez for the reference)

Suffice it to say, I had large helpings, frequent snacks and ice cream at least twice. The good news is that at least I walked with friends and swam with Mom. Today I went walking with friends then came home and ate mixed fruit for breakfast before swimming. As it turned out the heater on the pool at the gym was broken and the water was too cold for mom. She got in saying it was cold. I sat down and put my leg in and drew it right back out again. We decided to skip it to keep her from getting chilled. Back home I had a bowl of cereal before heading off to work. Unfortunately, I also had some leftover brownies. I made brownies yesterday to take Visiting Teaching. I packed tuna, jello and a granola bar for lunch. Very good for me. I worked all day and made a quick stop at the house before heading out to another VT appointment. I had some more of the brownies – luckily that was the last of them. I did make them with applesauce instead of oil if that counts for anything.

Now I am off to the senior center to have dinner with Mom. She invited us to a corn beef and cabbage dinner. Don’t have to worry about eating too much there……Say, that corn beef and cabbage is really good. They served a wedge of steamed cabbage and two slices of corn beef. OK – here is a question – Why do they call ground beef HAMburger and ham cornBEEF. Our plates also had carrots, celery and a potato. It was all very yummy.

Tuesday March 24, 2009 Phase Two Day 337
I began my day by sleeping in – very nice. I know I will get back into my step class but today is a crazy day and I am taking the advice of my husband, that being to pace myself when it comes to all the exercising. I ate a bowl of cereal before leaving to get my hair done. After a few errands I ended up at work with a Zorba’s salad in tow. It was very good. So was the cinnamon roll that was in the lunch room. I was busy getting ready for an teacher in-service. It is almost Easter so the candy dishes full of chocolate eggs and jelly beans are appearing on everyone’s desks. They are hard to pass by. After the in-service I drove straight to RS for our ward B-day party. They served enchilada casserole for dinner. Sonnet and I had extra helpings. I had a piece of cake and a chocolate table favor.

Weigh in was good for Sonnet but not as great for me which was expected. And, by the way, I did start my period so that accounts for my feeding frenzy last week. Tomorrow I leave for LA for a two day conference. We will see how that goes.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Was Sick

Wednesday March 4, 2009 Phase Two Day 317:
Today it was raining so I met up with Rinez at the church and we just came back to my house for hot chocolate. The missionaries are coming for dinner tonight so after taking Rinez back to the church I went to the store. I will be on the run today so I thought I’d fix a crock pot meal. I have a seasoning mix called Italian chicken. It calls for chicken, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste and the seasoning packet. Easy enough. After a breakfast of cereal, I put the chicken in the pot to cook all day. I made a yummy salad and put it in the frig. I’ll make some Rice a Roni and grill up some cauliflower to round out the meal. For dessert we will have fresh strawberries and blackberries over angle food cake topped with cool whip.

I picked up a Zorba’s chicken salad for lunch. I did have one of the candy bars I was giving out today. Perhaps I should explain – this is MAA week at work. That means I am in charge of getting daily time surveys from a dozen people this week. It is not a chore they happily perform. I give them daily treats with motivational quips as incentives. Needless to say I have been partaking of the treats as well.

The missionaries came and we had dinner as planned. It tasted OK – nothing special.

Monday March 9, 2009 Phase Two Day 322:
Today is March 9th in the afternoon. I am sick. I haven’t written and I think I am crashing. Some days I eat just fine other days I eat horrible. That in itself is not a real revelation. I mean just read this journal and you will see that has been the pattern for the past 300 plus days. I have learned a lot and do eat better in general, but I feel pretty out of it. I have felt it coming on for a while now. Maybe Sonnet & I need to have a talk. I need some structure almost like I wish someone else would take charge.

Monday March 16, 2009 Phase Two Day 329:
So today is Monday again. I was sure sick last week. I didn’t go to step class, I only took Mom to the pool one day instead of two and when I went I got in the hot tub instead of swimming laps. I didn’t even show up Wednesday to walk with friends. That’s Bad. I did go to the doctor on Thursday and got some meds that fixed me right up. It took a few days to get strength back but I think I have arrived.

The past week was a mixture of eating well and just feeling so sick I wanted yummy food to make me feel better in the moment. I had some projects at work that needed doing so I pushed through every day. At home I collapsed. Stephen is much more sensible than I and encouraged me to step off the merry-go-round and get some rest. By Saturday I was feeling good enough to paint a little in my bedroom. I could not believe how weak I was. It took me all day to finish one little project. That night we had to go to the Mormal (Mormon formal). We ate with the ward kids and went to the dance for a while but were back home by 9:00. Stephen & I love dressing up.

Sonnet & I did have a good pow-wow about food and menu planning. We reviewed the workout schedule and she understands I cannot continue to go to the 24Camp class on Thursday afternoons. She loves it and I am glad for that. It is just too hard on my knees. She decided she must go to at least two workout classes a week in addition to getting in her walks. It was interesting how we both had been back sliding with our eating. Nothing terrible - just letting go of some of the basic things like eating plenty of leafy greens and avoiding white flour. Now that she is moved in, I am well and we have talked and planned out a menu I think we will get back into a more supportive structure complete with accountability. That will be a great help to both of us.

Sunday I fasted for Blake & Gaye. I sure hope they feel better soon. We had yummy roast, potatoes and veggies for dinner. I took Gaye some rocky road ice cream and ate two cookies she shared with me. Also, I had some M&M’s from Sara’s purse. We were all working at the computer together and there they were just tantalizing all of us from her open purse. She reminds me of Jami (or at least how Jami use to be), always having a candy stash some where close by.

Today I got up and walked with Rinez. We kept a pretty good clip. I came home and ate cereal before picking up Mom to swim. When I got home Sara & Jacob were awake so we have visited most of the day. We ate tuna sandwiches for lunch. I also had jello and one small handful of M&M’s when I came up to the computer (Sara’s purse was still right here and open). Darn those bright eye catching colored things.

For dinner we had leftover roast, potatoes and veggies. I helped myself to meat and a potato and saw Sonnet serve herself a plate full of salad. I reached for a bowl and filled it with salad. I thought I’d make sure I ate my salad first then finish with the others. It was a good idea. Dinner was delicious. After dinner we took some pictures of Sara because Blake says that although he loves all the pics of Jacob he gets he wants some of Sara too. All evening I wanted a snack or treat of some kind and when Sara & I ran to the store it would have been so easy to grab one – but I resisted! Coming off a sugar saturation is not an easy thing to do and little victories like that are to be acknowledged.

Tuesday March 17, 2009 Phase Two Day 330:
St. Patrick’s Day – Top of the mornin’ to ye. Sara & I were up late so I slept in and skipped step class. I think I finally have this exercise thing under control. Probably mostly thanks to Stephen. Now, it is easier for me to say I’m not going if I am hurting or tired. Before I would tend to push myself too far. It is quite liberating to know my exercise activities are for my benefit and pleasure not a regiment to shorten my life.

So, I got up ate cereal and headed out to a 9:00 meeting at work. After my meeting I was going to come home until Sara left then go back in. You do not want to know what was waiting for me at work – OK so maybe you do. Yummy biscuits and gravy with scones. Oh my! I ate only one biscuit with gravy but I did have a few scones. They were wonderful. I came back home after my meeting to find Sara rung out on the couch. She had already thrown up three times –poor thing. Must have picked up a bug somewhere. I sent her to bed and took care of Jacob all afternoon. I ate a granola bar and two pieces of toast during the day. I should have had my tuna but it was easier to grab something quick with Jacob. Sara woke up feeling much better. After Sonnet got home I went back to the office to finish my tasks then came home to a delicious dinner of fajitas. I have the munchies pretty bad. All I want are things I cannot have. Ice cream sounds heavenly. I might have some hot chocolate later tonight.

The good news is that Sonnet & I weighed in today and we were both happy with the results – slow and steady wins the race.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pretty Tired

Sunday February 22, 2009 Phase Two Day 307:
I have not gotten to the computer since I have been home. I haven’t even updated our family blog. Most of the time I have been either working, or, at some exercise class with someone, or working on the house. We are really on a time crunch to get things finished before next Saturday when Sonnet is to move back in. The room/furniture storage/ remodel situation is a real domino effect with the room for Sonnet to occupy being the last domino. We are working hard every night to complete the project.

Meanwhile, getting to my eating journal is way down on the totem pole. I did hear something at conference today that made me instantly think of my eating pattern. It was when Elder Ballard said, quoting the main character in the novel War and Peace. “Why when I know what is right do I do what is wrong”. Ouch! Another thing I have been thinking of is the goal setting program my friends are involved with including the weekly accounting. They have inspired me to do a little better job of recording. They actually commit to writing down everything they eat and they do it. So, with those things fresh in my mind I decided to record today even though it is not a pretty picture.

I cooked breakfast for Stephen & I today – what a treat for a Sunday morning. I usually am alone on Sunday mornings but this Sunday being stake conference we were together. When Stephen was taking a shower I went down to fix breakfast. I thought I’d scramble some eggs. I checked for sausage in the freezer but when I was cooking them they smelled funny to me and sure enough they had freezer burn. So – no sausages. That is probably a good thing. Not really sure what made me think of it in the first place except I thought Stephen would appreciate a good sausage. I sliced some mixed berries to serve along with the eggs then did something very unexpected. I reached for the pancake mix and made some pancakes. I never make pancakes! Stephen usually makes pancakes if he is making breakfast but not me. I think I just am having a real sweet tooth. After conference we made some visits then went to Cindy Moyes for lunch. Yummmm. She served ham and scalloped potatoes. It doesn’t get better than that. Oh, but wait it does, I had some chocolate chip cookies that were sitting out and a piece of cheesecake with raspberries for dessert. Oink!

I think in addition to our busy schedule, I have not wanted to write because of what I would have to admit. Just as an example last night following the evening session of conference, some friends went to the Campbell’s for ice cream with all the trimmings – Oink! Friday night we were at the Nichol’s for a High Priests social and sampled many soups from the soup bar and sopped them with heavenly bread. Follow that delicious meal with a peppermint ice cream/hot fudge topped brownie and you really have something I don’t want to write home about.

So here I sit, feeling full yet relieved to be recording. I guess it is like repenting – as hard as it is to admit things and however painful and embarassing the process is – it is a liberating free feeling to be taking a step in the right direction.

Monday February 23, 2009 Phase Two Day 308:
Best laid plans – I had big plans for our Walkie Talkies this morning. I was going to have them stop in when they walked by the house and help me carry things from the balcony to the dump trailer in the driveway. I figured ten trips up and down the stairs for four people beats forty trips up and down for me. When Stephen opened the door and announced, “It’s raining” my hopes were dashed. I went to the church anyway just on the off chance someone would show up. Lucky for me but not necessarily her Rinez was there and together we drove to my house and got it done. Great! After taking her back to the church I hurried and ate a bowl of cereal and left to pick up Mom for swimming.

I thought I see what I could get done before leaving for work. About 9:00 I was kind of hungry so I cooked eggs, bacon and one piece of toast. I am glad I did because I have been working all morning. The balcony is completely cleared off and ready to receive our bedroom furniture. For lunch I think it will be tuna.

Tuna and crackers it was, and an apple. I worked at the house all day today. My bedroom is completely cleared out. The walls are wiped down and all the holes patched over. Hopefully Stephen will be able to prime tonight and paint tomorrow. Sonnet had a dentist appointment so we canceled gym class. I am really glad too, because I had too much work to do. Sara called yesterday to say she was coming for a visit. She and Jacob arrived around 5:00 just in time for dinner. I fixed a ‘Macaroni Grill’ pasta mix. It was very good – pasta with a marinara sauce. I added ground beef to it. We coupled that with a yummy salad. Later that night we ate a cup of mixed berries and hot chocolate while we watched a movie together. Big day, I am tired.

Tuesday February 24, 2009 Phase Two Day 309:
Up and out for step class. I will eat cereal before driving across town for my hair appointment this morning. I better go straight to work or I will never get there, just like yesterday. Well, I did make it to work. I ate an apple mid morning. I got really munchie around 11:30 so I went to the lunch room and scrounged a few saltine crackers. Later at home, I reached for a granola bar. For lunch Sara & I made egg, bacon and lettuce sandwiches.

I worked on the house for a while and ran to Lowe’s to pick up paint. When I got back I asked Sara if she wanted to go for a walk. Wow, we ended up walking to Green Frog Market. Let me tell you, pushing my old funky stroller along the streets was a bit of a struggle. We shopped for a few things and a few things turned into a lot of things. I do not know what I was thinking, I mean how did I think we were going to get all that stuff home. Luckily I saw Margie Taylor in the store and we ended up checking out at the same time. I asked her if she would drop off my groceries at the house for us. She was very obliging which really helped us out. We walked home (up hill I want you to know) and I was wet with sweet when we arrived. I had a bowl of cereal as a snack. Sara made chicken stir fry that was delicious.

Sonnet came by and now we are settling in for a movie together. I think we will have a cup of mixed fruit and hot chocolate later.

Thursday February 26, 2009 Phase Two Day 311:
Wednesday got away from me. I walked with friends then came home and ate cereal. Between breakfast and the time I needed to leave to pick up Mom for swimming I was able to do some cleaning on the landing. We have carpet guys coming today and I wanted to get things cleaned up and ready. After swimming I went into work. Sara is being so patient with all our going and coming. I feel bad to be running off here or there but that is our life and she understands. At the office I ate an orange and granola bar. On my way home around 1:30 I picked up Subway for Sara and I. A nice chicken sandwich on whole wheat. I did pick up cookies to go with it. The carpet guys were working away so Sara and I played a few games then I needed to run and get more carpet. When that was done Stephen was home and Sonnet was over. We left Jacob with Grandpa and the three of us girls went out for pedicures. Somewhere in there I had a bowl of cereal – not sure why, just wanted it.

The girls were finished with their feet before me so I sent them two stores down to pick up a small pizza treat to take home to Stephen. He liked it. Sara and I made lemon chicken over brown rice and grilled cauliflower. The cauliflower was so great. I heated some olive oil in a frying pan. Put the broken up cauliflower in it, added minced garlic and sprinkled it all with lemon pepper. I put a lid on and periodically shook the contents around to get it all grilled. After a few minutes of that I added some water to steam it a little. The lemon chicken was excellent as well.

Now it is Thursday morning and I ate cereal. I stayed in bed with Stephen instead of going to step class. He did not leave at the crack of dawn because he had to be in Bakersfield this morning. I know how he loves to sleep in with me. Besides today I meet Sonnet for 24Camp class and that is enough of a killer workout for one day.

Sunday March 1, 2009 Phase Two Day 314:
Wow, look at the date. I really must make myself get to this computer every day. Our closet project takes most of our time and energy. I remember Thursday was a good eating day, although I ended up not meeting Sonnet for class. She called to say she was a judge at the county Oral Language competition that evening and did not have time to go. I remember being so happy because I was working late and trying to squeeze in a few errands.

Friday started off right with the Walkie Talkies. We walked to my house and they all made their accounting. I had cereal then went in to work for a short while. We had movie day at Shannon’s at 11:00 which meant it would be a lunch. Before it was all said and done and three hours later, I had eaten 2 bowls of Jami’s tortilla soup, about 5 of Rinez’s rolls (one even had yummy jam), a bowl of salad and a few strawberries. It was a wonderful lunch but I noticed a shocking lack of chocolate. I asked Shannon where her stash was and she brought out some Skinny Cows however, I passed them by and went straight for the hard stuff. I finished off her mint chip ice cream. I went back into work all afternoon then came home to work on the remodel. That night I had leftover salad.

Saturday was busy from dawn until dusk. We got up and had cereal then worked moving furniture all morning. By noon the closet and Blake’s room were looking more normal. Sonnet was here and was nice enough to fix Stephen & I a sandwich and salad for lunch. We kept working until 4:30 when we needed to stop for showers. We had a ward party to attend. It was a partial/potluck dinner so we stopped by Marie Callendar’s to pick up a couple pies for our assignment of dessert. I ate a sampling of this and that casseroles. I also had a piece of the German chocolate pie I brought. I did have a piece of a coconut cake that was very good. When we got home, it was back to work. By 10:00 we turned in with a beautiful closet full of clothes.

Now it is Sunday – fast Sunday, which means up and out the door fasting. To break my fast I had a bowl of cereal. Stephen came home and had a piece of toast. It looked so good I had one with butter and jam. We both had a banana. Don’t ask me why but I felt like cooking. I boiled some steaks from the freezer. While they were cooking I mixed frozen chopped spinach, shredded mozzarella cheese, Worcestershire sauce and minced garlic in a bowl. On the stove I sautéed an onion in some olive oil and when the meat was done I shredded it with a fork and added it to the onions. Just for fun I poured some A-1 sauce on the meat mixture then when the onions looked tender, emptied the frying pan into the spinach mix. I thought it might taste good all wrapped up in some dough and baked so that’s what I did. It is cooked now and I’ll let you know if it was any good……Well, it was a valiant effort. Actually, it was good except I put too much A-1 sauce in it. I do not really know how much I put in of everything – just what I had and what I thought looked good. I think it was a good idea just not quite the right amounts. Stephen had a second helping so at least the dish filled the measure of its creation. I served it with brussel sprouts. Boy was that a mistake, those things are a little bitter. I had a bowl of cereal.

Monday March 2, 2009 Phase Two Day 315:
I better be good today – weigh in is tomorrow. Sonnet & I have not weighed in in two weeks and I know how easily things can sneak up on you. This morning I am off to walk with friends and I hope to get in a good walk. I think we have slowed down lately........Yes, we had a nice brisk walk! I came home and ate cereal. Off to work. I was busy all morning and I got a lot accomplished at work. Wanda is leaving for nursing conference so we went out to lunch at the Sugar Mill. I had the steak salad and couldn’t even finish it. Sonnet & I met for weight lift class. It is a good class that combines weights and aerobics. I am tired and will be sore tomorrow I’m sure. This evening I had a bowl of cereal for dinner. About 8:30 I had some sugar free hot chocolate and a granola bar.

Tuesday March 3, 2009 Phase Two Day 316:
OK – it was touch and go at 4:50 this morning when I woke up and thought, “I don’t want to go to Step class”. Luckily, I laid there and reminded myself how much I would enjoy it and how happy I would be with myself if I went. Also, I won’t be going swimming with Mom tomorrow so unless I go I will miss a good workout for a couple days. Yea! I went and it was a great class. Before I left I weighed myself and was happy with the results. Now back home I will have some cereal before heading out. I have a full day today. Lots to do at work so I think I’ll take some tuna for a sandwich at lunch. I hope I have an apple, which sounds good.

So I did eat my tuna, apple, yogurt and granola bar throughout the day. I also had two peppermint patties. At work I was passing out Almonds snacks and I ate one myself. Tonight I had to be across town at Pam’s at 6:00 for a candle party, then race over to the church for a visiting teaching conference at 7:00. Pam served artichoke dip & crackers, some Oriental chicken salad and fruit. I had some of each. At the VT conference I ate several cupcakes for dessert.