What do I want to eat?

This was the question that was on my mind almost 24/7. Then something fun happened that required I keep an eating journal. This blog was created to be a place to log my daily entries. I know, I know...why would anyone want to post an eating journal? Not to mention, who one earth would want to read an eating journal? I don't know - all I do know, is that I need to keep one to help me eat more responsibly.

The following was recorded on Tuesday April 22, 2008.
Last Friday night Stephen was on a campout with the Young Men so Sonnet and I were out and about together. We decided on a double feature – one movie @ the plaza and another @ Edwards. We had a little time between show times so we wandered around the shops @ Edwards. Russo’s Books looked good so we stopped in for a browse. The first book I picked up had us laughing out loud so we decided to get it. It is called Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. The authors are India Knight and Neris Thomas. The next two days we were mesmerized and took turns reading out to each other. The authors, India & Neris, became our new best friends and this diet adventure is a result of our time together with them through the printed word.

'How It All Began' is where I have posted the first two months journal. There after the most recent post will contain the most current week. I will say this, as I look back through it I realize what started out as just an accountability tool, has evolved into something much, much more meaningful for me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hello to the great cyber void. It has been all summer and now that I am back to work and a routine I thought I’d pop back into Pigs and Twigs. Or should I say Twigs to Pigs for that is the direction I have been moving lately. Yes I am up several pounds. I attribute this to a very lazy summer and obscene amounts of ice cream – so unlike me. Ha!

Now that I am back to dressing for work every day I feel uncomfortable in most of my close which drastically narrows my wardrobe. Don’t get the wrong impression, I have not gained back the 20 pounds I lost but I have had to slide the scale bar further to the right than I have for months.

Sonnet is in the same boat so we have decided to play a new little game. We started yesterday and it goes like this. One of us gets to choose something both of us will do just for that day. For example I started off yesterday by choosing to get on the scale which meant we both had to weigh in. I called this shock therapy. It was a good way to begin our game and give us both a little kick in the pants.

Today it is Sonnet’s turn and she has decided that today we will not eat sugars or white flour. OK, that means no cereal for breakfast – eggs and bacon instead (no toast). For lunch I’ll have to think ahead, how about tuna on my wheat crackers….I checked and they only have whole grain wheat flour and honey –Yea. So tuna and crackers it is and maybe some watermelon. For dinner taco Salad without the chips.

OK I think I am set – sounds fun.

Just a word about exercise - Since I have abandoned my early morning step class (in favor of my rickety knees) I sure have seen a difference in my body composition. Man that class did me more good than I thought. The decrease in cardio is bad enough but the last 15 minutes of the class we would drop to the floor for a core workout of pushups and sit-ups. Without that strength straining I have become weak and flabby. I still swim with Mom and walk with my friends though. Sometimes, like yesterday, Sonnet and I take evening walks on the bluffs. I need to add some weights back into my routine.

Welcome back to Me!