What do I want to eat?

This was the question that was on my mind almost 24/7. Then something fun happened that required I keep an eating journal. This blog was created to be a place to log my daily entries. I know, I know...why would anyone want to post an eating journal? Not to mention, who one earth would want to read an eating journal? I don't know - all I do know, is that I need to keep one to help me eat more responsibly.

The following was recorded on Tuesday April 22, 2008.
Last Friday night Stephen was on a campout with the Young Men so Sonnet and I were out and about together. We decided on a double feature – one movie @ the plaza and another @ Edwards. We had a little time between show times so we wandered around the shops @ Edwards. Russo’s Books looked good so we stopped in for a browse. The first book I picked up had us laughing out loud so we decided to get it. It is called Neris and India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. The authors are India Knight and Neris Thomas. The next two days we were mesmerized and took turns reading out to each other. The authors, India & Neris, became our new best friends and this diet adventure is a result of our time together with them through the printed word.

'How It All Began' is where I have posted the first two months journal. There after the most recent post will contain the most current week. I will say this, as I look back through it I realize what started out as just an accountability tool, has evolved into something much, much more meaningful for me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Day

Not such a good week. So much so that I did not even weigh in and won’t let myself get on the scale. I like success and I like to weigh in so not allowing myself to weigh is actually a punishment. The first half of the week was pretty good but then everything started to fall apart. It seemed there were treats everywhere. I think I went out to dinner four times and that never helps. The most tragic thing is that I have been asked to teach seminary and that means wearing a dress every day five days a week. I think I have that many clothes in my closet but most of them do not fit. Ugggg. I had to go shopping just to fill in the wardrobe gaps because I am so fat. That’s disheartening. But, onward and upward I always say, and this week I am going to continue to make an effort at controlling my eating and getting to the gym. To quote Scarlet O’Hara in the closing line of Gone With The Wind, “After all, tomorrow is another day!’.

Monday, August 8, 2011

You've got to start somewhere.

So this week went pretty well. Eating was not over the top. I think every day I managed to keep from snaking after dinner. I really like that rule - no food after dinner. I draged myself to the gym a few times and it felt good. It was hard to keep from stepping on the scale all week. Unlike most people, I like checking my weight every day but I decided to wait until today and see what the week produced. I wasn't expecting very much because I was not on a specific 'diet'. This week I wanted to try applying what I know are good habits of sound weight control. That's all. Nothing fancy or too regimented. Well, I have to say I was pleased to be down 4 pounds weighing in at 168. My goal this week to keep going with nothing after dinner and hit the gym. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Has it really been a year?

Yes, it has really been a year since I have posted on Pigs to Twigs. It sure has been a year of challenges but oh the education. Nothing like going through the fire to taking on a shine. Like any set of struggles, they either beat you or you come out stronger and the better for them. But enough of that.

Sonnet & Christian are as happy as ducks on a pond. She is expecting in November. She has gained weight because of the pregnancy of course, but I must confess she was gaining before hand as well. Me, well I have been gaining and changing body conformation for the worse. I am heavy weighing in at 172, ugggg. This was taken two weeks ago with Tiffany’s kids at the Hill Cumorah visitors center in New York. My hips are big and my shirt is too tight. I never was a beauty but I use to at least manage cute. Now a days I just try not to be embarrassing.

I think I am finally strong enough to change my direction though. It will take will power to apply the principles of weight control I have learned over the last few years in relation to eating habits. However, I am just as aware that I need to discipline myself with regards to regular exercise.

Maybe I should set a Pigs to Twigs check in goal – Yes that’s it. I will weigh in once a week and post the results. This should be interesting. Wish me luck!